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Guide Applicant - Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you so much for your interest in our Guide Program! Please find below some of the questions we get asked the most. If you have a question not on this list, please reach out to or sign up for a Monthly Information Session to learn more.

What is the Guide Program?

The Guide Program is a long-term virtual volunteer mentoring program providing an enriching experience for established professionals to serve as a virtual mentor to a Resolution Fellow launching a social enterprise.

What type of mentorship will I provide to Resolution Fellow(s)?

Resolution Guides provide mentorship to Fellows in three focus areas:

  • Social enterprise implementation

    • Providing generalized business development support to Fellows based upon the venture structure and the social issue addressed.

  • Professional development

    • Supporting Fellows as they gain new skills through working on their social enterprise. Fellows may gain professional development skills in business finance, scheduling meetings, time management, and much more based upon the professional skills Guides may have acquired throughout their career.

  • Personal development

    • Supporting Fellows as they navigate the transition from college to pursuing their professional career path. Fellows may choose to continue on their entrepreneurial journey sustaining their first social enterprise or by launching a Subsequent Social Enterprise (SSE); and Guides can continue supporting Fellows with implementation. Other pathways may include applying to graduate school programs or positions in their desired career field where Guides can provide support through resume reviewing, mock interviews, and career advice.

Are Resolution Guides expected to have specialized knowledge/expertise to support Resolution Fellows?

Resolution Guides are not required to be subject matter experts or hold specialized knowledge on the social issue Fellows address with their ventures. It is helpful for Guides to have general business and finance knowledge to support Fellows with scaling and sustaining their venture over time.

What resources are offered to Resolution Fellows?

Resolution Fellows have access to a wide range of resources. Fellows can connect with an Subject Matter Expert SME, attend office hours facilitated by one of our corporate partners, and request special consulting through the Gerson Lehrman Group. Fellows also receive a weekly “opportunities email” informing them of upcoming events and programs to accelerate their personal and professional development.

What is the structure of the Fellow team?

The structure of the team ranges from a 1:1 to a 2:3 Guide to Fellow ratio. In a traditional match, Resolution Guides are paired with a partner called a Co-Guide mentoring a team of 1-3 Fellows working on the venture. At times, we may ask Guides if they are willing to Guide “solo” until a Co-Guide is identified and matched with the team. Resolution Guides who’ve mentored a Fellow team prior can request to Guide a team solo with approval from a member of the Guide Program team.

What support will I receive from Resolution Project?

Resolution Guides will receive ongoing support from Guide Program and Fellow Experience staff throughout the duration of your volunteer role. Staff support is usually activated after the receipt of Monthly Guide Reports (MGRs) that Guides submit after completing each monthly call. We advise volunteers on goal/agenda setting, improving methods of communication, and accelerating venture implementation, while also providing ongoing relationship management support.

How are monthly calls established?

Monthly calls are a requirement and an important component of the Resolution Fellowship. After a Guide match is confirmed, a First Call will be scheduled and facilitated by Fellow Experience staff. On the call, the staff member will review the expectations of Guides and Fellows regarding monthly meetings moving forward. Subsequent to the First Call, it is the responsibility of the Fellows to schedule monthly calls with their Guides and come prepared with updates from the past month.

What is the time commitment of the Guide Program?

We expect Resolution Guides to commit to a total of 4-6 hours per month serving in their volunteer role. The commitment includes:

  • Joining a monthly call with their assigned Fellow team

  • Completing a Monthly Guide Report (MGR)

  • Completing a Guide Semi-Annual Report (as requested)

  • Maintaining communication with Resolution staff

How are Guides matched with Resolution Fellows?

Once a Guide confirms their election, they will have access to make a selection from a queued list of teams available for mentorship. Once a match is complete, introductions will be made via email to your Co-Guide (if applicable) and to the Fellow team with information to schedule the First Call (to be facilitated by Resolution staff).

What happens if my Fellow decides to conclude their social venture while I’m still volunteering as a Guide?

If a Fellow decides to conclude work on their social venture, they will remain a Resolution Fellow and will transition to Community Member status. Their Resolution Guide(s) will be given the option to be rematched with a Fellow team of their choice.

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